1. No Glass Ceiling. To avoid the glass ceiling you need a business model. Your business model paired with your business I.Q. and hard work sets your limitations and determines your economic growth.

2. The five “P’s”. Proper, Preparation, Prevent, Poor, Performance. Get prepared and stay prepared for anything, by staying in a flexible position.

3. Asset Leverage. Most important asset you have is, YOUR TIME! Position others to successfully duplicate your efforts, saving you time and making you money.

4. Residual Income. Imagine if you went to work today and received a pay of $150.00. Tomorrow you decided not to go and at the end of the day you still received another, $150.00. That day you didn’t go to work, AND RECEIVED PAY, is called residual money.

5. The Red Hot Trend. Trending is a everyday occurrence, example: the telephone and the smartphone, both phones except the smartphone is multi-function computer. Expect the next trend to be the smart car, or driverless car.

6. The Process. Understand that success is a repeated success formula, not rocket science.

F = Follow O =One C =Course U = Until S =Successful


7. The Rule of 72. The rule of 72 is a compound interest formula. It simply says if you put your money in a couch, that is a bank account, that yields a certain amount of interest, when you take that interest and divide by 72 the answer you get is the years that it would take for your money to double. Example: if you have $1,000 that yields 1% interest and you take that 1% and divided into 72 the answer you get will be 72 years, that’s how long it would take, in years, for your money to double from $1,000 to $2,000.

8. Your Associations. The right associations will determine your best success. Surrounding yourself with positive productive people will manifest the law of attraction of the highest level of support.

9. Give Back.

10. Find Your Spiritual Place.