95Visual Articles

95Visual is a full service digital marketing agency located in Los Angeles and servicing the united states. 95Visual focuses on Scaling Businesses Through Result-Driven Marketing Solutions. This RSS feed is of articles that the 95Visual team has written on different topics.

Maximizing Lead Nurturing Efficiency with Automation 26 Aug 2024, 2:08 pm

mobile phone with a lightbulb
Welcome aboard the lead nurturing spaceship, destination: conversion galaxy! In the vast cosmos of marketing strategies, lead nurturing shines bright like a supernova. It's the art of building a rapport with your potential customers, akin to planting a garden where you lovingly tend to your plants until they blossom into sales-ready flowers. But here's the rub - those gardens are becoming ever more crowded, and the demand for personalized attention is skyrocketing. To tend to… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Art of Pairing Typefaces 13 Aug 2024, 2:08 pm

a book open with cursive text on the pages
Artful selection and combination of typefaces can transform a good design into a masterpiece. The interplay of fonts is not merely a technical choice but a creative decision that significantly impacts visual communication. In this exploration of the art of pairing typefaces, we will delve into the fundamentals, the creation of visual hierarchy, the influence on mood and branding, practical tips for designers, and the exciting world of innovation through case studies.
Fundamentals of Typeface… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What Is Paid Digital Marketing and When Should I Use It? 23 May 2024, 2:05 pm

a person typing on a laptop in their lap
In today's fiercely competitive digital landscape, organic reach alone often isn't enough to cut through the noise and capture the attention of your target audience. This is where paid digital marketing steps in as a powerful tool to amplify your brand message, attract qualified leads, and drive conversions.
What is Paid Digital Marketing?
Simply put, paid digital marketing involves advertising your brand or business across various online platforms through paid placements. These platforms,… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Google Ads Updates for 2024: A Comprehensive Overview 18 Apr 2024, 3:04 pm

photo of a laptop on a wooden table, the laptop is displaying the classic google homepage
The landscape of digital advertising is ever-evolving, and 2024 brings a wave of updates to Google Ads. This article delves into the latest changes, offering insights into the dynamic world of online advertising.
1. Easier Reservation Ads Buying in Google Ads
Google Ads introduces a streamlined process for buying reservation media, making YouTube ads products more accessible. This includes self-service setups for various YouTube ad products like YouTube Select Lineups, YouTube TV Lineups,… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How Phone Addiction Kills Productivity 24 Mar 2024, 7:03 am

a white iphone with the screen facing down resting on a white surface
The Journal of Experimental Psychology recently published the results of an interesting study. The study had subjects work on a test with their cell phones nearby and instructed not to interact with their phones. The study found that when a call or text message came in, test subjects would do poorly for several minutes after seeing the notification. The study concluded that even when one does not directly interact with their phone, the notification would cause distractions. Their mind would… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Beginner’s Guide to Managing Website Content Like a Pro 24 Jan 2024, 6:01 am

person looking at their phone next to an open laptop
Welcome to our beginner's guide on how to effectively manage website content. Whether you are a blogger, small business owner, or content creator, understanding the importance of content organization, content marketing, and employing a content management system (CMS) is crucial for your online success. In this guide, we will walk you through the key steps to manage your website content efficiently, improve SEO, and engage your audience effectively. Managing website content can be a challenge… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Planning Your 2024 Marketing Budget 17 Nov 2023, 5:11 am

hand-drawn style featured image with a single character in a digital marketing planning scene
A Well-Planned Marketing Budget is Key to Business Success
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the key to thriving is a well-planned marketing budget. As we approach 2024, it's crucial for ambitious companies to strategically allocate resources to maximize impact. This guide explores the nuts and bolts of crafting a marketing budget that aligns with your business objectives and anticipates market trends.

How to Use Marketing Automation to Improve Your Business 13 Dec 2022, 6:12 am

statistics on a piece of paper
Ever wonder what life would be like if you could just let your digital marketing campaign run and gather leads and make sales while you're doing other more productive things with your time? You can actually make this a reality through the wonderful world of marketing automation! 
Marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate marketing processes such as customer segmentation, lead generation, lead nurturing, and campaign management. Marketing automation enables… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How Marketing Has Changed And Why It's Important 4 Nov 2022, 6:11 am

a laptop with google open on the screen
The Evolution of Marketing
Marketing has undergone many changes over the years, but the most notable ones have been in the way advertising and promotion are conducted. The early days of marketing were dominated by print media, such as magazines and newspapers. As more people became online consumers, however, online platforms became more effective at reaching customers. Television commercials and radio broadcasts followed suit, becoming even more reliant on digital technology to reach their… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Marketing Without Money 23 Aug 2021, 6:08 am

a person pulling a 5 dollar bill out of their wallet
​Marketing, whether it’s digital or traditional, is usually an investment of some kind. It costs money to make money, right? That’s not entirely true, but it’s not entirely false, either. Marketing is an investment for everyone involved, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s always a monetary investment. If you do it right, certain forms of marketing can cost you nothing. Now the issue is:

Where do you start? 
What do you need to do to achieve this free form of marketing? 
Do you… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Best Web Design Company in Santa Clarita - Best of 2021 10 Aug 2021, 7:08 am

graphic of a photo of the 95Visual team, overlayed on top of the photo is text that reads "Santa Clarita Businesses Trust 95Visual As the Best Web Design Company in SCV

A letter from our Founder:
Thank you, Santa Clarita, for voting 95Visual the Best Web Design Company of 2021! 
Being a local business owner myself I know how important the local community is and after the crazy past year we have all had I want to say Thank You! Having grown up in Santa Clarita I am proud to serve the local businesses and happy to call SCV home. Thank you to the community and readers of The Signal for voting us #1 Web Design Company this year! Thank… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Which Digital Marketing Platform is Best? 14 May 2021, 7:05 am

closeup image of a smartphone showcasing all of its social media apps
​Marketing is a necessary asset for any business to receive more brand recognition and sales. If you haven’t created a marketing plan you may be a little overwhelmed at the various options for digital marketing at your disposal. While no one marketing platform is deemed “the best”, we’ll go over the ones that your business will benefit the most from.
Social Media Marketing
A popular way to market your business online is through social media. You may think that social media is used just for… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What You Need to Know For Effective Content Promotion 14 Apr 2021, 7:04 am

color wheel graph of a business funnel
What You Need to Know About Content Promotion
In our previous post about content strategy, we discussed identifying the ideal client or the “buyer persona” for your business so you can reach the people that need your services more effectively. At this point you’ve probably created content that is useful to them and are ready to post it. Unfortunately, the internet is a pretty busy place, so if you post this wonderful new content on your website and just wait for the… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Migrating From Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 and Beyond! 31 Mar 2021, 7:03 am

graphic image that insinuates drupal 7 migrating to drupal 8
​Update for 2021 Drupal 7 & Drupal 8 End of Life
Drupal 7 End of Life date pushed due to Covid(summary of https://www.drupal.org/psa-2020-06-24)
Drupal 7 has had its support extended by an additional year to Nov 28th 2022. However, just because you now have an extra year, this does not mean you should keep waiting to upgrade. Drupal 9 is already here and it is fantastic! Just do an upgrade directly to Drupal 9 as soon as you can so you’ll be ready when Nov 2022 gets here. It will be here… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Branding VS Marketing 15 Mar 2021, 7:03 am

a blue nike shoe in a grass field
If you’re a business owner in 2024, you’re aware of just how important marketing and branding is to your business. But not every business implements both elements properly. Marketing and branding work symbiotically together, but they’re not the same, and although you can have one without the other, it might not mean success for your business. Marketing gets a customer’s attention, branding keeps that customer’s attention. It isn’t as simple as your company having a logo and then running with… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Design Etiquette 18 Dec 2020, 1:12 pm

a lit billboard that says "in design we trust"
​As children, we are taught to use "please" and "thank you" as well as other phrases that demonstrate proper etiquette. As adults, we have internalized these basic rules but we sometimes don't consider how etiquette may also play a part in our everyday work interactions. The truth is, workplace etiquette is just as important as everyday etiquette. 
What is Design Etiquette?
Design etiquette is about following certain procedures throughout the company in regards to creative work. These… Keep Reading on 95Visual

SVG's and BADCamp 17 Dec 2020, 8:12 am

a hand holding up a smart phone which is displaying its home page on the screen
SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphic, is a unique format for screens compared to its counterparts of PNG, JPEG, and others. An SVG is different because of the functionality offered on things such as a website or an app. The properties of an SVG can change depending on what the creator wants; it can be as simple as a height change without it becoming pixelated or for it to be animated. Even with these amazing properties, there are still possible issues that arise with ADA/WCAG compliance… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Crucial Homepage Elements Your Website Should Have 15 Dec 2020, 5:12 am

front view of an imac with 4 images on the homescreen. a closed macbook sits in front of it
​The homepage of a website is the reflection of the entire website as a whole. It’s the first impression that your ideal customer gets of your business. Many businesses have trouble with high bounce rates after launching a website. A high bounce rate means that people are coming to your website but aren’t staying for very long. Now you’re probably wondering: what exactly should be on the homepage to get your ideal customer hooked? We’ve got a few answers to that question but first you need… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What is the Design Process from Start to Finish? 10 Nov 2020, 8:11 am

the top of a black spiral staircase contrasted to a white wall around it
The Design Process
The design processes for every company are actually more similar to each other than you’d think. Each process generally follows the same set of steps across the board. When designing a website, there are quite a few things to consider: the client’s vision, your capabilities, and the cost of the service. To determine these things, we’ve put together the process we’ve used for the past 10 years from start to finish.
Step 1: Research the client. Once you or your agency… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Google Analytics Best Practices 16 Sep 2020, 1:09 pm

photo of a person with painted nails tapping on a phone
​Google Analytics is a tool essential to any serious marketing plan. You can follow site visitors from the moment they enter your site to the time they leave. Rather than going about your marketing efforts blindly, you can finetune your plan to make it increasingly effective each day. The trick is to understand what Google Analytics can do and use it in a way to provide the most information. Let's explore some of the best practices for using Google Analytics.
Use Tag Manager
Google offers a… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Small Business Security Checklist 3 Sep 2020, 5:09 am

an old computer turned off with sticky notes of various colors attached to the screen
Small businesses are often easy targets for hackers. Any breach of your system has the ability to distort operations, compromise confidential data, and destroy trust in your business. It is important for small businesses to understand the risks and security vulnerabilities.
Avoid unknown USB drives
Most USB peripherals can be effectively reprogrammed for the sole purpose of stealing the contents and information of anything that has been written to the drive and to subsequently… Keep Reading on 95Visual

If You Build it They Won't Come 27 Aug 2020, 5:08 am

a stack of books and the main focus is a book that says "how to" in large text
​You’re thinking about building a website, but you’re not sure if doing this is guaranteed to get you more sales. Maybe you already have a website built but haven’t done anything more to it, and it doesn’t seem to be paying off. The famous quote from Field of Dreams states: “If you build it, they will come.” This isn’t in reference to building a website, it’s about building a baseball stadium to get people to come to a tiny Iowa town. Even though this isn’t directly in reference to building… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Planning Great Web Content 19 Aug 2020, 8:08 am

a lightbulb and a white computer mouse are next to each other
​Great content does not just appear, it is planned! Whether you’re the proud owner of an existing site and need to freshen it up or you are creating a new website, we highly recommend taking a strategic approach to your content first. It’s common for website projects to focus on design and for content to be left as one of the last steps before launch. This is changing and it’s all for the better- we have found that focusing on content strategy and planning content before even talking about… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Tips for Writing Good Content 20 Jul 2020, 5:07 am

a sharpened black pencil with its pencil shavings next to it
​When is the last time you read clear, useful, and engaging content? Content where the tone of the writing was easy to connect with, there were no grammatical errors or misspellings, and you left with the information you needed. Chances are you’ll return to that source because you had a good experience with the content already. Great content is an opportunity to create customer loyalty when it’s strategically planned and used in line with great UX/UI design.
We recommend getting your content… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Should You Hire an Agency or a Freelancer? 2 Jul 2020, 7:07 am

photo of a bird's eye view one thirds of a notebook and half of a potted plant on top of a white desk
​When talking to potential clients, we sometimes hear “I have a friend that does websites…” Okay, maybe we hear it a lot more than just sometimes. It’s common for a small business to go to a close friend for a website design to save themselves time and money. By doing this they avoid having to vet different agencies and compare price points but they do have to trust this person to deliver a high-quality website on time.
It can be quite a challenge to decide between hiring a freelancer or… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What is Content Strategy and Do I Need It? 29 Jun 2020, 5:06 am

a bird's eye image of an open laptop with various office supplies littered around it
​Content is the Driving Force of Your Website
At first glance, many of us may say the colors and design of a website are the most important part. Design is certainly important and a clean design with good UX gives you credibility with your audience. However, as users make their way through the site and read through pages that outline the company’s mission, vision, and services it becomes clear that content is just as important. Visitors come to a website to learn more about the business,… Keep Reading on 95Visual

4 Ted Talks You Should Watch if You're Thinking of Working Remote 19 Jun 2020, 5:06 am

a microphone facing the camera as if the camera man is going to use it there are blurred stage lights in the background
Have you ever considered working remotely? Perhaps you’ve stumbled across a new job opening that allows for remote work? Or been required by forces beyond us to work remote for an undefined amount of time, only to find that you rather enjoyed it? Here are some TED Talks that may convince you to keep working remotely or even start to look for remote positions in your field!
In this TED Talk, Nicholas Bloom talks about erasing the work from home stereotypes by exploring the history of working… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How to Increase the Net Worth of Your Business 10 Jun 2020, 6:06 am

a brightly colored wooden desk with a person sitting at it taking notes with a few pieces of paper in front of them on the desk. they hold one of the papers and a pen in their right hand
​The end goal for any investor or company owner is always to increase their net worth. For many investors and entrepreneurs, building a self-supporting business portfolio with substantial returns is the primary challenge. 
Many financial analysts argue that there is little correlation between technology and the company’s improved financial performance.
However, they also argue that if well-utilized technology and business applications can help improve its net worth. Improved financial… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Website Accessibility - Disabilities on the Web 28 May 2020, 6:05 am

a bright pink disability sign in a patch of grass. the sign reads "step free route" and has an arrow pointing to the right below the text
​When it comes to the Internet and your website, the thought of individuals with sight disabilities should come to mind. There are many other disabilities, however, that can make using the Internet difficult for individuals. I do want to note that we are NOT lawyers and can not provide legal advice.*
There are guidelines set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that help website developers understand what elements may be difficult for those with disabilities. By following their… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Communication is Key to Success 26 Apr 2020, 8:04 am

an old cord phone and an iphone next to each other
​You know the feeling. You have a client coming in and you promised you'd have their information ready for them. You get to work and the folder isn't on your desk. You ask around the office to see if anyone knows where it is but to no avail. Harry says he never received the file from Debbie so he didn't get his portion finished. Debbie can't be found anywhere. Five minutes before the client is to arrive, you glance at the personnel calendar and discover that Debbie has been on vacation for… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Hidden Costs of Starting a Business 23 Apr 2020, 7:04 am

photo of a spread of office items on a desk such as a notebook, a mug, sticky notes, a notepad, and an open laptop
​Starting a new business is exciting - you’ve dreamed, you’ve planned, and you’ve written a compelling mission statement you’re proud of. Now you’re ready to share that mission with the world! As a small business, the list of to-dos to get your business running may seem never-ending. From marketing to finding a space to call home and moving in, you have a lot to consider. In that process, there may be things you don’t account for in your budget. As a small business, we at 95Visual have been… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The True Cost of a Website 21 Apr 2020, 6:04 am

a calculator next to a paper with notes on it and a pen open with its pen cap beside it
​As a small business, you know that you need a website. But you don't want to spend all of your profits, or your marketing budget for the year, on a new website. We get it, you're a business owner and you want to be able to make sure that a new website doesn't break the bank. Buying a website is like buying a new vehicle, you want to make sure that the website has the correct features needed to support the business. The cost, however, seems like a mystery when you start asking people.
One… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Stop Wasting Your Money (On Things That Don't Work) 25 Mar 2020, 8:03 am

a neon sign that reads 'this is the sign you've been looking for'
​Ultimately when building a business, there are many different types of investments you can make within the company. Allocating your resources efficiently can do wonders for your business. Although there are many great contributions you can make when building a business, there are a few contributions you should not cheap out on. Here are four investment types that you shouldn’t cheap out on if you’re looking to grow your business.
Hiring Multiple People to Develop a Website
When building a… Keep Reading on 95Visual

95Visual Is Staying Grounded During COVID-19 Crisis 13 Mar 2020, 3:03 pm

home office desk with laptop
In the face of the coronavirus outbreak, 95Visual is committed to the health and well-being of our team and clients. Thus I wanted to address how 95Visual is continuing operations during Coronavirus/COVID-19.
First and foremost we are still open. Our team is working and available to help our clients market and grow their business.
Second, we already do most of our client meetings via video conferencing and we will be moving all meetings to video conferencing unless an in-person meeting is… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Working Remote During The Coronavirus 12 Mar 2020, 6:03 am

person using a laptop sitting on a couch
As the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic forces more businesses to close and employees to work from home we wanted to provide some tips on working remotely or from home during the coronavirus.
Many of the big tech companies such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook are urging employees to stay home and work remotely as the coronavirus continues to spread here in the US. 
Shifting to a remote working environment can be more than just finding a space at the kitchen table, downloading a… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Podcast - Build a Website That Generates Money 11 Mar 2020, 9:03 am

graphic image of a person holding up a gold trophy. text below them reads "focus on winning"
Joshua was recently on Focus On Winning Podcast.
Check out the episode below:

1) Using press releases to bring traffic to your website.
2) How to build an email list.
3) What to send in your email to make people buy your offer.
And so much more! 

5 Ways a Small Business Can Reduce Costs 11 Mar 2020, 9:03 am

photo of an office
​Running a small business has perks, like getting to know your customers on a deeper level and anticipating needs for your community. This personability is what helps locally owned businesses to thrive. People who often use the same service or go to their favorite breakfast spot see familiar faces each time. As our communities continue to develop, sometimes small businesses struggle to keep up with rising minimum wage and how it affects their profit.
Does this mean you need to cut your team… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Drupal & ADA Compliance 27 Feb 2020, 9:02 am

bird's eye view of a waterfall

What is ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act, and subsequent amendments, is designed “to provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities”. For websites, this is known as “Website Accessibility”. Read our Website Accessibility post for more info...
Can my Drupal 8 website be ADA compliant?
Yes. And it's pretty close to compliant out of the box with the standard installation profile, at least it is intended to… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Podcast - Top Marketing Blunders of All Time 4 Feb 2020, 9:02 am

an image of 95Visual's CEO Joshua Maddux, with text to the right of him that reads "top marketing blunders of all time"
Joshua was recently on Savvy Business Podcast:
Check out the episode below:


Building Customer Trust Through UX 23 Jan 2020, 8:01 am

woman shaking hands with a business man
​What is the main component that determines a business's success or failure?
If you answered trust, you are correct. The relationship between you and your customers is the same as any other relationship. Without trust, the relationship ultimately fails. In a business, that means you lose customers. In the days when most business relationships took place in person, building trust was a lot easier. Today, you may never come face-to-face with the majority of those you do business with, but that… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Podcast - SEO Techniques To Get Your Website Found 22 Jan 2020, 9:01 am

graphic image of a person holding up a gold trophy. text below them reads "focus on winning"
Joshua was recently on Focus On Winning Podcast.
Check out the episode below:

1) How to get penalized by Google.
2) How consistent you have to be in order to get engagement.
3) Two types of SEO that the website owner must know. 
And so much more!

Your Brand is Not Just Your Logo 18 Dec 2019, 6:12 am

With all the talk about logos, people get the impression that an outstanding logo is all they need to get their business noticed. If that isn't happening, the logo must be all wrong. We often get new clients who come in frustrated as they tell us they are failing when it comes to branding and need a new logo. They believe that if they change the design of their logo to work better for the company, they will then have a fresh new brand. The problem is that they are expecting the logo to do… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How Photos are Important to a Brand 12 Dec 2019, 6:12 am

photo of a bush with green leaves
Company branding seems to come with so many rules. Photos improve your website, but you should be selective about which ones you display. The quality and subject of a photo can make a big difference when it comes to the trust of your visitors. 
Why Quality Matters and How to Achieve It
Your website is a direct reflection of you and your company. If it looks thrown together, visitors could get a negative impression of your business. Company branding could fail or, even worse, your brand… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Podcast - Create a Website That Stands Out 10 Dec 2019, 9:12 am

graphic image of a person holding up a gold trophy. text below them reads "focus on winning"
Joshua was recently on Focus On Winning Podcast.
Check out the episode below:

Top 3 BIGGEST takeaways:
1) Challenges that website builder faces.
2) How to overcome those challenges.
3) How to make the website unique and stands out from the others.
And so much more ! 

5 Emails Your Business Should Be Sending 27 Nov 2019, 2:11 pm

a mobile phone with envelope icons cascading down the side of the screen
​Email is still one of your best tools for keeping customers happy and coming back again and again. I know what you’re thinking: “Email is so outdated!” But it’s really not! While social media is important and having a website is a necessity, email is a familiar thing that people feel comfortable with. They don't feel pressured, it is the most likely place to find personalization, and it is versatile. Any small business should concentrate on creating and maintaining an active email list.… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Client Testimonials: Asking the Right Questions 13 Nov 2019, 8:11 am

person sitting reading a book at a table with another person sitting further away in a chair also reading. both of their heads are out of the shot
Testimonials offer stories with the power to influence and move customers to action. Getting the best testimonials to appeal to potential customers begins with appropriate questions. Clients have a lot to say about your business, but you do not need to put everything they say out to the public as testimonials. The right questions will help you get the truth from your clients, which allows you to understand the feelings customers have towards your business and to make decisions that improve… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Importance of Branding Before a Website 13 Nov 2019, 7:11 am

your logo
​Have you ever come across a website that, after going through a couple of pages, you had no idea what it was about? Maybe it was a business website and you still can't figure out what they do. Maybe it seemed to be focused on a person but you weren't quite sure why that person had a website. There is an excellent chance that the website creator didn’t have a concrete brand before putting their website together.
Website or Branding First?
To some, it makes sense to make their website first… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Importance of a Branded Website 13 Nov 2019, 7:11 am

a collage of logos including pepsi, microsoft, coca cola, dairy queen, and adidas
When it comes to company branding, the website is often overlooked. Society, as a whole, has gotten better at knowing what is or is not an online scam which means a well-made website can affect business.
The World Opens
In the past, consumers had favorite brands they would always choose over others. They would go to the local brick and mortar store to pick a specific brand. The Internet changed all that by opening up the entire world to consumers. Now, they are no longer stuck with just one… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Podcast - How To Build A Business Process 13 Nov 2019, 6:11 am

How To Build A Business Process
Joshua was recently on The Financial Freedom Podcast.Check out the episode below:

Conversation Transcript
Lorna Poole: Welcome to the financial freedom podcast with your host Lorna Poole, sharing the secrets to creating wealth investing and that all important money mindset to find out more and accelerate your journey to financial freedom. Head on over to www.LornaPoole.com to get started.
Lorna Poole: Welcome everybody welcome financial freedom podcast. Would you like to build a business… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How You Can Create a Better Culture at Your Company 21 Oct 2019, 9:10 am

an office with many people in it sitting at desks working on computers or walking around. the office is very modern-looking and has wide floor-to-ceiling windows
When employees first step into their position within your company, what do you want them to feel? Ideally, you want all your employees to feel welcomed, motivated and happy to be there; however, to accomplish that, you first need to develop a positive company culture. Simply stating that you would like to have a happy and positive company culture isn't enough to make it happen. To truly create a culture that you can be proud of, a lot of detail and work must be put into it. Here are three… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Choosing Imagery For Your Blog 21 Oct 2019, 7:10 am

abstract image with a turquoise sky, and 3 triangles with different textures underneath it
 For blogs, imagery is a tool that helps or hinders your blog. To ensure your blog benefits your readers make sure your images are appealing to them. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Think Unique
People have gotten used to seeing stock images again and again. If you can take photos or design graphics, then that can be used to your advantage to make your brand stand out from the crowd. Your graphics will be noticed and have a stronger impact on your visitors.
Think Appealing… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Podcast - My Future Business 21 Oct 2019, 6:10 am

Interview With Joshua Maddux. Premium Drupal Websites That Talk To Your Ideal Customers.
Joshua was recently on The My Future Business™ Show.Check out the episode below:

Podcast - Real Estate Agents - Get Rid Of Your MLS Sites! 14 Oct 2019, 6:10 am

Leafy Podcast, Real Estate Pros, Real Entrepreneurs, Real Situations, Real Advice. This week's guest Joshua Maddux, CEO of 95Visual
Joshua was recently on Leafy Podcast.Check out the episode below:

Conversation Transcript
Jennifer: Well as always, I'm excited about our guests because we always have incredible guests. But this one in particular, because these are things that I work with too, so I have like a lot of my own little questions that I get to get into the mix and get educated. So the person that we're talking to right now is a CEO. He's got an in depth background in website planning, strategy… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Our Web Design Pet Peeves 1 Oct 2019, 6:10 am

angry emoji on an iPhone
Good web design requires more than making your website look pretty. Sometimes making things look good can cause issues with users. Let's take a few minutes to explore what you are doing on your website that may be driving visitors away.
Knowledge is power, as they say, and knowing what not to do helps you choose the right moves. Here are our greatest pet peeves.
1. Videos
Videos are a great way to engage with your visitors but they can slow down site loading speed. If you have video content… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What is a Mobile-First Approach and Why Should I Do It? 24 Sep 2019, 6:09 am

Web design is ever changing. Looking back, designers only had to worry about how a website looked on different browsers while using a computer. As the increase of mobile devices began, web designers would make two versions of a website: one for screen sizes that could fit on a desk and one for devices that could fit in a hand. A significant amount of people were left frustrated during this time as they would visit a website on their mobile device and it would not look the same as on their… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What is the difference between Google and Facebook Ads? 19 Sep 2019, 6:09 am

hand pointing at paper with statistics
N​o matter where your internet travels take you, you see ads. These ads are often based on your past search history and purchases. This type of targeted advertising helps other businesses reach people who are most likely interested in a particular product or service. As a business owner yourself, you probably know that you need ads in order to compete on the same level as your competitors. Knowing which ads to use, however, can take some learning. Today, we are going to discuss the major ad… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What Are Some Things I Can Do To Expand My Business? 15 Sep 2019, 7:09 am

business metrics
Running a business is hard work, but growing it can be even more of a challenge. To grow a business, there are at least a dozen different factors you need to account for before you can even start the planning process. It may seem too complicated to even make the attempt, but you shouldn't let that stop you. Don't be content to stay a small business forever — expansion is possible, and should be pursued. To help you reach your goals, we'd like to share some things you can do to grow your… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Basics of SEO 30 Aug 2019, 6:08 am

a laptop open on a wooden desk with a small plant and a light next to it
As a business owner, you may hear a lot about how important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to help your business get found online. You've seen books written on, and websites devoted to SEO. The amount of information that seems available can make the entire subject seem overwhelming. The great news is that SEO does not have to be complicated to be beneficial. Here are some basic tips to get you started on the path to greater search engine visibility.
Keywords & Phrases Used To Search… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Does My Website Need To Be ADA Compliant? 21 Aug 2019, 8:08 am

a hand holding out a pair of round glasses as the camera sees through them. the background is a city street
Many businesses are just starting to learn about how the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) will affect their website. This article will go into ADA, W3, and WCAG. I do want to note that we are NOT lawyers and can not provide legal advice.*
Is your website easily accessible for people who have disabilities?
Can a person who is sight-challenged get through your website and find the information they are seeking?
What about an individual that can't use a mouse?
Are they stuck having to ask… Keep Reading on 95Visual

It Pays to Choose the Right SEO Keywords 1 Aug 2019, 6:08 am

a vintage camera
Why are correct SEO keywords so important?
Can they actually make a difference in how much traffic you get or how many sales you make? Yes, they can, and do, make a big difference. Keywords are the very basis of any SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work you do. In this post, we will explain how to narrow down your keyword choices to gain the best results. For today's purpose, you are a photographer.
How People Search
People who are looking for something on the Internet will search in one of… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How to Build Your Business' Reputation Effectively 9 Jul 2019, 9:07 am

an open laptop with the word "reputation" on it with some stats below it. a piggy bank is next to the laptop
If you own a business, you know just how vital it is to establish your presence and create a reputation that stands far ahead of the competition. In this digital age, however, maintaining your stance as a trusted company can be quite complicated and downright overwhelming at times. You want to stay ahead of the game, but what tools do you use to accomplish this? As confusing as everything may seem, it's not as complex it appears. The following tips and suggestions will walk you through some… Keep Reading on 95Visual

3 Keys to Start-Up Business Success 5 Jul 2019, 6:07 am

a group of 4 people are hunched over a desk with paper and office supplies on it
The journey into starting a business can be an exciting and intimidating one. There are so many things to worry about, and it can be overwhelming with all of the moving pieces. Here are three things to keep in mind as you start your business that can help you to set you on the path to success and help things run more smoothly.
A Plan
Business plans are important and a key component of a successful start-up. Your business plan should be fluid to allow for changes in internal and external… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How to Make Your Business Appeal to a Younger Audience 1 Jul 2019, 6:07 am

three young men
For many businesses, one of their top priorities is to continue growing and expanding in the industry. An effective way of reaching more people is to appeal to a younger audience to increase sales. If you're unsure of how to appeal to young people, here are a few practical steps to take that will impress millennials and attract them to the services or goods you offer.
Make it Mobile
Business owners and managers underestimate the importance of developing and marketing with mobile devices in… Keep Reading on 95Visual

3 Crucial Elements for Scaling Your Business 25 Jun 2019, 6:06 am

person hunched over a desk with a pen in their hand writing on a piece of paper. a stack of coins sits in front of them in ascending size.
When you decide to grow your business, there are many different choices that can make or break your success. You need a solid foundation on which to build, and your infrastructure must support a larger operation. Here are three things that you must do if you want to grow your business.
Sufficient Funding
The last thing that you can afford is an underfunded attempt at business growth. SCORE, the business mentoring organization, warns that scaling your business requires strategic investments… Keep Reading on 95Visual

5 Ways Chatbots Will Help Grow Your Business 21 Jun 2019, 8:06 am

graphic of a hand holding a phone with messaging icons on it and above the phone
​Chatbots started making an appearance a while back, but they were only used by large companies. Since Chatbots were a new invention, medium to small businesses weren't sure if the concept had any place in a business that was struggling to reach as many clients and customers as possible. The first versions used a distinctly emotionless voice and it was unclear how customers would respond. After all, one of the biggest things you were told when you started your business was that you needed to… Keep Reading on 95Visual

95Visual Ranked as One of the Top Web Developers in Los Angeles 14 Jun 2019, 7:06 am

graphic that says "clients say we deliver on clutch"
​Located right outside of Los Angeles and established in 2008, 95Visual is a custom software and web development firm made of hard working and dedicated individuals. We happily craft elegant web designs for our local businesses in an effort to help our community thrive. Though we love working with our local partners, we have also worked with large institutions such as universities and unions. We have experience successfully completing projects on any scale. Our hard work has led to Clutch… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Why Understanding Big Data is Key for Small Business Growth 14 Mar 2019, 6:03 am

2 people holding pieces of paper with stats on them
At one time, a small business could be technologically competitive using only a basic business software package. As long as you could keep track of contacts, orders, and sales, you were all set and able to devote the rest of the time to develop your business. In recent years, technology tools have become available that give an advantage to the businesses that use them. One of the most important innovations is the accessibility of big data.
Business is Changing
Running a business today is… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Why You Should Modify YouTube Videos to Blog Posts 18 Dec 2018, 7:12 am

GoPro Camera held in hand
 Marketing is crucial to every business. The variety of avenues you use to get your message across is also essential. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is so true when talking about your marketing efforts. What most people don't know is that with a little work each marketing path connects to the same destination: the sale. Your job is to find ways to make each marketing path connect with another. For example, start with linking your website to your social media accounts so that… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What is Online Marketing? 3 Dec 2018, 7:12 am

Info Strategy
​Online marketing is anything you do that brings online brand awareness to potential customers. A good marketing plan is one that benefits your efforts. Read below to see what those benefits are!
Benefits of Online Marketing:
Growth Potential - Exposure is one component of good marketing; the more people you reach the greater your number of potential customers. Be sure to target your audience strategically, so your business is exposed to the right people in the right areas and maximize your… Keep Reading on 95Visual

4 Must-Haves When Your Business Outgrows Your Garage 16 Nov 2018, 6:11 am

2 women in an office, one is sitting facing the viewer at a desk on a laptop, numerous boxes are on the desk and around the room. the 2nd woman's back is facing the viewer and she is adjusting one of the boxes behind the 1st woman
The idea of taking your business from your garage to a much larger facility is not something that is unheard of in our society. Starting from the bottom is a common narrative and one we can see in many big businesses today. Amazon is a perfect example of this. Jeff Bezos started Amazon as an online book business that he ran from his garage. Now it's a multi-billion dollar global corporation.
Eventually, you will need to expand your garage business, and there will be certain things that you… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How SEO Grows a Business 6 Nov 2018, 6:11 am

a person's hands holding a phone with other office items laid out around them on a white desk
​You've most likely heard about SEO since you first set up your website. You realize how important it is and may even have made some attempt to put proper SEO practices into action. You know that proper SEO can help others find you on the Internet, but do you know it can also help grow your business?
Targeted Visitors
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When properly used, SEO ensures that people who find you are closer to your ideal customer. It can do this by crawling the web for… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Tips to Design Your Landing Pages 16 Oct 2018, 7:10 am

satellite over the earth
Many times landing pages are the first place visitors land on your website. It is a must that you optimize your pages to the highest standards so that your visitors can get what they came for. Let's explore some of the best ways you can optimize these landing pages.
1. Keep it Simple
People have short attention spans. They also don't like to have to think about what the next step is. Make your landing pages short and to the point. You should also avoid wordiness on landing pages, avoiding… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Details of Web Design 2 Oct 2018, 5:10 am

white gloved hand
There is no arguing that content is the most important part of your website. This can cause some people to incorrectly think that design does not matter much. The details in web design are what send subtle messages when a visitor clicks onto a page. Because, the design elements also determine what a visitor will most likely see, here are some of the most important web design elements that you cannot overlook:
1. Link Color
Links often appear in different colors depending on whether they are… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Is My Website Damaging My SEO? 8 Sep 2018, 6:09 am

man looking at laptop looking upset
​You understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your website. But some types of SEO are harmful, such as blackhat strategies and negative SEO. Sometimes damaging SEO is something you do without realizing it is detrimental to your rankings. Today, we are going to discuss the ways your website could be damaging your SEO efforts.
Non-Exclusive Content
Google likes for the content it indexes to be new, fresh, and original. If you have articles on your site that are also… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How To Improve Your Website's Design 4 Sep 2018, 3:09 pm

pink swirly bubble bath
Regardless of what you do or create in life, there is always room for improvement. Your website is no different. New technology, consumer preferences, and the growth of your business all make it necessary to review your site and refine it to the best it can be. Here are some of the most common ways you can improve your website to make it a better place for your visitors.
1. Move Your Call To Action (CTA) Button
Your most important CTA should be a clear action for visitors to see and follow.… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Taking Steps Toward Your Website Goals 26 Mar 2018, 7:03 am

moon landing
Many people made New Year's resolutions at the beginning of the year, but around this time, their goals seem distant. You haven't used your gym membership in three weeks, and you're hitting snooze on the alarm again. We lose track of time, and before we even realize, you're far from accomplishing your goals. But, if you have an established plan to follow, you can get right back on track!
Website goals can be the same way. When you first set out to create a website, you should set up one year… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How A Custom Web Application Can Help Your Business 26 Mar 2018, 5:03 am

man holding a newspaper that has the word "business" as the title/headline
Years ago, a business owner, chose to invest in an attractively designed website, with engaging pictures, and concise, but persuasive information about the products offered. The business owner took care to frequently offer new and engaging content, update enticing images, and provide extensive testimonials. Maintaining the marketing website became a full-time job and over the years, the business owner realized that with the work required to maintain the website, he/she was not realizing… Keep Reading on 95Visual

4 Tips For Better Networking 21 Mar 2018, 4:03 am

a test dummy for space launches faces an astronaut suit
​Networking is essential when you are a small business trying to make yourself known in a sea of large competitors. If done correctly, networking can give you an advantage over those who don't. Done incorrectly, you could end up being the least possible person anyone wants to work with. One way to get put into that second category is to make a networking event all about you.
What Networking is About
Networking is about letting people who can help you know you exist, isn't it? No. Networking… Keep Reading on 95Visual

6 Most Common UX Mistakes 26 Feb 2018, 4:02 am

a black iphone floating above a table with a pink highlight to the left of the phone
Is your website designed to look appealing, convey information and/or give visitors an experience they cannot forget? Though all three points are important it is the third point where your website may not be living up to its full potential. That is where UX design comes in. Unlike UI design, UX design is all about the customer experience. Your website may be the first place visitors can learn about you and your product/service and suffice to say that you want that experience to be a positive… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Have the Courage to Expand Your Brand 21 Feb 2018, 4:02 am

astronaut on the moon
​We understand the feeling of being in uncharted territory when thinking about branding for your company. If you're in the beginning stages of expanding your brand, you may feel like someone landing on the moon for the first time. It's completely uncharted territory. However, we are with you to back you up every step of the way.
In past blogs, we've discussed setting the foundation for your brand. You've chosen your domain name, set up a website, and registered it… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The 5 Best Ways to Revamp your Online Presence 5 Feb 2018, 3:02 pm

photo of a yellow and grey space capsule floating in a black sky
​Being online doesn't guarantee exposure, and it doesn't ensure any exposure you do receive will be positive. As a business owner, you can't buy into the idea that if you are online, people will find you. It is up to you to make your presence known and to make it the kind of presence that will benefit you and your business. So, how do you do this? That's what we want to help you with today. Start with the foundation.
1. Domain Names
Your domain name is the first thing you need to consider… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Is Your Website Harming Your Business? 18 Jan 2018, 2:01 pm

an old computer monitor that's on its back with a broken screen
​Opening your small business was an exciting time for you. You studied everything you could find on how to succeed in the world of internet sales and tried to put all you read into action. You put up a website and filled it with content. You set up a way to track your email subscribers, created a short-term marketing plan, joined all the social media sites. You looked forward to the thousands of subscribers you knew you would soon get. The thing is, those customers never materialized beyond… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Difference Between Onsite & Offsite SEO 18 Jan 2018, 2:01 pm

a girl standing in front of a plethora of long colored lights
Any information about building a successful website will use the words search engine optimization (SEO). SEO determines how easy or difficult it is for the search engines to find and index your site. The concept of using keywords is easy enough to grasp, but some other concepts of SEO aren’t. We often are asked what the difference is between onsite and offsite SEO. We figured it was about time we tried to explain where more people could get the answer.
Onsite vs. Offsite
To begin, you… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How to Choose a Domain Name 18 Jan 2018, 8:01 am

lamps without lampshades stand next to each other on a desk. only one lamp is lit.
​The perfect domain name for your website is simply “yourname.com,” correct? Well, if yours happens to be a household name that would probably be true, but the chances are that isn't the case. The best domain name brings potential customers to you quicker than your competition. Not everyone can be the top keyword search on Google, but with the proper domain name, the chances of being found by your ideal customer increase. When asked about how to choose the best domain name, we suggest the… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Does Your Business Need a Marketing Plan? 11 Jan 2018, 2:01 pm

a neon sign that's off that says "public market". the background is a white sky.
​A marketing plan to guide daily operations in a business is more important than a business plan for most businesses. Operating without a marketing plan limits you from being intentional in your messaging and company branding. This leads to lack of focus and confusion in the market. A marketing plan further helps your business track both good and bad results, even in financing.
Ultimately, your business must be intuitive; you must offer a product or a service to achieve and retain success.… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Creative Web Design In Santa Clarita 11 Jan 2018, 8:01 am

an open book with an iphone on top of it. the desk it's on also has a stack of books behind the open book and a laptop next to the stack
​There are several key reasons why one would reach out for a new and creative website design.
Primarily it would be for a nicer, more appealing design, that can grab the attention of more customers. And ideally this should lead to higher sales, more products sold, or frequent service requested.
But there’s a lot more to web design than just a pretty layout with a fancy logo.
You want to make sure that your website is as effective as possible, like an secondary storefront. Customers will need… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Website Speed & Usability 11 Jan 2018, 7:01 am

cup of coffee by a computer
No one wants to be stuck staring at a loading webpage, where the only apparent progress in the loading process is a spinning icon. The days of lengthy dial up Internet connections are long gone; today’s generation wants everything to be done immediately. When it comes to technology, it seems no one is patient enough to wait more than a few seconds for anything to work. That is why many search engines have begun paying attention to the loading speed of websites. They realize that slower… Keep Reading on 95Visual

10 Places Not To Have a Company Picnic 11 Jan 2018, 7:01 am

picnic table at a park
Small businesses can become stronger when co-workers connect with each other. Company picnics are a great way to get to know each other better and see your co-workers as people instead of just office drones.
With this in mind, there are some places where a company picnic will do more harm than good:

Subway station
Overnight Campground
Theme Park
Ethnic or Race-related Festivals
Political Rallies

Once you have found the right spot for the picnic here are… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Writing a Blog for your Business 11 Jan 2018, 5:01 am

a laptop and an empty notepad laying flat next to each other
​Maintaining a blog takes a lot of dedication but doesn’t necessarily need to be a lot of work! What you want is an active and consistent flow of content that in turn should be interesting to your viewers.
Write down ideas for your blogs in your day to day work schedule, and come up with calls to action that can grab the attention of your target audience. Writing a blog should not be stressful but entertaining for you and your viewers!


Using photos and/or videos will help… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Web Design Firm 11 Jan 2018, 5:01 am

clouds with "Freedom" text
If you are trying to expand your Santa Clarita business, having an online presence is a logical choice. If you are looking to start your own web site, you may not know where to begin. Much like your own business, you would like to present your business in a professional manner, and that is why professional web design is so important. They can build your business' website to your specifications, and make it look great. If you have thought about  professional web design for your company's… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Why Blog for Your Business 10 Jan 2018, 5:01 am

a worn headstone with the text "in loving memory of your business without blogging (subtle isn't it?)" written on it
Business Blogging
There are several reasons why business blogging can help a business.
Build Traffic
Business Blogging is going to help you to build traffic for your business. Of course, the more traffic that your website is getting, then the more sales that you are likely going to make. Plus you have the ability to update the blog as much as you want to so that all of your potential clients know exactly what is going on within the business. It is also a good idea to link your business… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Investing In Your Website 7 Dec 2017, 8:12 am

a pile of 1 dollar bills
It’s one thing to go out and have someone put together a decent website for you, but to invest in a website that’s build to last is another thing entirely. I cannot tell you how often it is that I stumble across a website that is improperly maintained, lacking in design, and just plain lazy. It goes a long way toward making the company the website represents seem a lot more unprofessional than they might actually be.
First impressions are everything. And for many consumers, the first page of… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Create a Website Customers Will Love 25 Nov 2017, 8:11 am

someone holding their left thumb in the thumbs up position
Pleasing your customers with regard to your company website design in Los Angeles is one of our top priorities. Because of this customer driven need, it is essential that your website be both a useful portal into how your business is run and an enjoyable place for your customers to visit when they are seeking out your type of product or service. Attracting potential customers into your sales funnel is good, but keeping them coming back and referring others is even better. The following is a… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Get More Traffic ( Pt.2 ) 15 Nov 2017, 8:11 am

slow shutter speed shot of a freeway to make the car lights look like long lines. overlayed on top of the image in bold text says "get more traffic part 2"
Get ready for Part 2 in our series dedicated to helping you drive more web traffic towards your website!
Social networking has become one of the fastest growing cultural phenomenons of all time. In under a decade, Facebook has claimed the hearts of minds of 800 million+ people. Twitter grows faster by the day as more people realize that it’s not just used to let followers know when you’re using the bathroom, but that it can be used as a fun social playground as well as a useful… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Get More Traffic ( Pt. 1 ) 14 Nov 2017, 8:11 am

slow shutter speed shot of a freeway to make the car lights look like long lines. overlayed on top of the image in bold text says "get more traffic"
This will be the first in a series of posts to help you figure out some ways to generate more traffic for your website. Customers love to see content flowing regularly; it shows that your organization is still active. And it’s great for SEO too!
One way to drive online traffic over to your website is through online video services like YouTube and Vimeo. Customers love small businesses with a YouTube channel that is being constantly updated with reviews, giveaways, and vlogs on… Keep Reading on 95Visual

QR Codes 24 Oct 2017, 8:10 am

2 hands holding up a phone with a qr code displayed on the screen. another qr code is in the background behind the phone
​Advertising is one of the more effective ways to grow your business, and modern technology has done wonders to improve how advertising is done. Quick Response codes, or QR codes, are small square barcodes that, when scanned, execute electronic commands to suit almost whatever use.
Originally created by a Toyota subsidiary to be used for tracking vehicles currently undergoing manufacturing, QR codes have been slowly gaining popularity in mainstream advertising. Because of the growing… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Aspects of Good Web Design 19 Oct 2017, 8:10 am

an open laptop with a black notebook to its right and a pencil and ruler to its left
​There are several aspects to having a good and effective website design. Besides the visual aspect, usability is the primary goal when creating/redesigning a website.
The first aspect is the user experience and ease of navigation through the site. In many cases when someone is browsing your web site, they will be in a hurry. They are going to leave your website if they are not able to find their way through. Functionality is at the heart of what the website does, if your website… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Choosing the Right Web Design Agency 6 Oct 2017, 8:10 am

a few various skyscraper buildings in los angeles. the whole image is tinted lavender.
​Choosing the right web design firm is difficult as it is, and with an ever-growing market, there are many agencies to choose from.
Here are some traits to look out for in a web design agency:
Experience is an important factor when it comes time to hiring. It doesn't, of course, guarantee the best customer satisfaction. However, it’s often a true fact that the more experience a firm has, the more diversified their skills are.
Try looking at the firm’s website, but keep in… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What to Put in Your "About Page" 26 Sep 2017, 7:09 am

the back of someone's head as they walk among other people in a city
​Your website is among your most powerful selling tools, and the "soft sell" can work to your advantage. The About page is one of the less-discussed parts of your website but it is just as important as any squeeze page or landing page when it comes to customer trust. Having an About page is not enough -- it should be easy to read and represent you honestly. Our "About Us" page is the third most viewed page on our website, it gets more traffic than any of our "services" or "… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Little Known Facts About... Small Business 21 Sep 2017, 7:09 am

a blue "open" sign on a glass door. underneath the sign it says "shop" directly on the door in small capital letters
​The business world and the United States of America celebrate Small Business Week every first week of May. On this week, you can access unique opportunities for your business or leverage the attention through offers to attract new clients.
In celebration of all the hard work that goes into creating a successful small business, we will share facts that will dispel the myths and encourage you to keep growing your business.
General Facts
Small business day falls on the weekend between… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Selecting Music for the Workplace 16 Sep 2017, 7:09 am

a record player with a record on it. the player sits on a piece of furniture that is the same width as the player, and has a top section with shelving that houses various records.
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”--Friedrich Nietzsche
Perhaps our most famous nihilist is not the best source of quotable material for an article on small business employee productivity, but one has to admit--he's right. Music has been shown time and again in scientific studies to be beneficial to human health and well-being. So why is it that so many small business employers still insist on a silent workplace where employees are subjected to the constant racket of unpleasant… Keep Reading on 95Visual

When to Publish Your Blog 12 Sep 2017, 7:09 am

a person wearing a black backpack waits for a train as it whizzes by them. in the unfocused shot of the photo, 3 others wait for the train or walk past
​What once started out as a way for people to have an online journal and share thoughts with family and friends has grown to become one of the greatest tools a small business has to connect with its customers. Today, blogging is an essential tool for every business that hopes to stand out from the crowd.
How Blogging Helps
The many benefits of maintaining an active blog far outweigh the time, and possibly money, that goes into it. Consider the following.

It establishes customer trust. Trust… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Improving the Responsiveness of Your Logo 4 Sep 2017, 7:09 am

a bunch of apple products on top of their respective boxes sitting on a desk
​Your logo is the single most recognizable component in your marketing. It is this logo that triggers the visual memory of people, which is the strongest in the most cases. When the Internet first became popular, logos didn't have to change much from one use to another. A simple enlargement or reduction was all that is needed in both web design and logo. Today that isn't the case. Your logo may be viewed by one person on a large monitor at their desktop while another individual may be… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Importance of a Strong Brand 30 Aug 2017, 7:08 am

a person taking notes in an empty notepad with a blue marker. to their left is a phone resting on top of a laptop
Successful companies with a strong brand never dispute brand importance. In fact, many big businesses mention their brand on their balance sheet as one of their intangible assets. Like other intangible assets, such as skilled workforce and distinctive company procedures, a strong brand helps a business reach higher profits than with tangible assets. We, at 95Visual, understand the importance of a strong brand. A product from a brand that customers trust is more desirable than a product… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Benefits of Reading Good Design Articles 16 Aug 2017, 7:08 am

an orange wall on the side of a street. a person walks left to right in front of the wall on a sidewalk. the wall has dark blue graffitied typography that says "good"
​Good creative web design articles can provide a lot of things, depending what the topic is concerning. Most importantly they help website creators bridge the gap between conceptual ideas of how a website should work, with the reality of what gets readers to look at, use, and repeatedly visit a site (i.e., traffic). After all, what’s the point of building a website if there’s no one available to read and utilize what it offers?
Teaching the End Goal
The first significant benefit is that… Keep Reading on 95Visual

The Benefits of Working For Free 8 Aug 2017, 7:08 am

a person runs by 2 dumpsters wearing a grey hoodie and a yellow puff jacket
​How often have you had someone ask you to share your skill without getting paid for it? As a small business, you have most likely hesitated, feeling it wasn’t beneficial to you. You might want to reconsider your stand after reading these benefits.
You want people to know you, right? Consider that you do something for free. That person is sure to let others know. Then those who find out about you will want you to do the same work for them at the same price: free! They, in turn… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Increasing Loyalty Through Exceptional UX 3 Aug 2017, 7:08 am

papers littered across a desk. a jar of pencils sit off to the right
The number one type of customer that a business should want at any time is a loyal one that keeps coming back. The urge to have loyal customers is the reason companies put their effort on customer retention. Loyalty is a fickle thing in the world of business, whether it’s retail or business-to-business. And you can lose loyalty in a second to an unfavorable interaction. Given the access available on the Internet, many companies are starting to realize their site can be negative if not… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Developing Your Brand 23 Jul 2017, 7:07 am

a white neon sign that says "you are here"
​Developing and maintaining your company brand is necessary from the start of the business. Your brand is how the world knows you. It is their most inward idea of who you are and what your product or service means to them. Your brand helps potential customers remember who you are. While this concept sounds simple, it takes work to develop and remain in the mind of the client.
How to Find Your Brand
Before presenting company branding to the public view, you need to know what your brand is.… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What Is a Landing Page and How Can It Help 19 Jul 2017, 6:07 am

a plane's underside as it flies overhead. there are light clouds behind it and a pale blue sky
A landing page is not to be confused with your website's homepage. You only have one homepage, and it is a gateway to all other areas of your site. It also contains a variety of information to help visitors get an idea of who you are and what you are all about. You can have any number of landing pages. These pages concentrate on only one subject and are meant to feature one product or service. Landing pages are not found in your site's menu but are arrived at through individual links.… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Times When a Free Website Just Doesn't Cut It 11 Jul 2017, 6:07 am

a white neon sign that reads "repair center"
​When your business is new, you may not be in a financial position to invest in a paid website. It is important that you consider switching from free hosting to a website design hosted elsewhere as soon as possible. Your site is the only representation of your business that many potential customers will see. You want to make the best possible impression you can from the start because you may never have a second chance. Consider these reasons a free website may be hindering your success and… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Should You Add a Blog to Your Website? 5 Jul 2017, 6:07 am

the side of a half blue painted building. there's a raised platform lining the building with a little railing and door on the right side
In many instances, the question of whether you should add a blog to your website is a resounding "Yes!" A blog can offer many benefits that can advance your business and increase your web presence. But in other cases, a blog will not provide any benefits and can harm your business. Let's explore the impact having a blog can provide, both positive and negative.
Positive Impact
Having a blog can be beneficial in many ways.
Establish Authority -
A well-written blog gives you a chance to provide… Keep Reading on 95Visual

5 Things your website must have - Part 2 2 Jun 2017, 3:06 pm

graphic of a photo of a ceiling with 4 windows. text overlays the photo that says "websites must haves". a line is underneath the text with the 95Visual logo underneath the line
In part 1, we talked about just a few must-haves for your website. Well, we’re back for part 2 to give you more tips towards filling your website up with the must-haves. Let’s get to it!
4. Social Media Links (Facebook/Twitter Icons)
Assuming you’ve been following any of our other posts, you know how important social networking can be for your organization. Because of this, be sure to have links to all your social media pages located in an easy to find area as a constant… Keep Reading on 95Visual

5 Things your website must have - Part 1 1 Jun 2017, 3:06 pm

graphic of a photo of a ceiling with 4 windows. text overlays the photo that says "websites must haves". a line is underneath the text with the 95Visual logo underneath the line
It should be said that when creating a website, you are given freedom to design that sucker however you please. Keep in mind that like most things in the business world, every website has a few must haves.
1. A Clean and Easy Homepage
It should go without saying that welcoming your customer into your website with a good homepage is essential. Make sure to have a homepage that is clean and easy. That means having no clutter, a clean design to appeal to the modern design palate… Keep Reading on 95Visual

A Site Customers Will Love 28 May 2017, 3:05 pm

an open laptop with a stethoscope on top of it. a wireless mouse sits to the right of the laptop and crumpled white pieces of paper are around the laptop
Pleasing customers is one of the top priorities to most (well-meaning) companies, and as such, it’s essential to have a website that your customers will enjoy visiting. Here are some tips to building a website your customers will love so much that they’ll keep coming back.
1. Consider Your Business Goals
Where are you planning on going with your company? Surely you can’t plan on staying as is and not making progress! Customers love to see businesses they love grow, just look… Keep Reading on 95Visual

California Internet Tax | California Email Tax 21 May 2017, 3:05 pm

photo of a red brick wall that has the right half of the wall shadowed
I normally don’t rant on political topics like this. However, this has could have such a large impact on our industry and our clients. I feel that this needs to be talked about as much as possible.
California Tax
The state of California has been leading the crazy tax rates. This includes high sales tax rates such as 10% in areas of Los Angeles. Some of the tax rates can be seen here.
"Partly this rate compensates for the much reduced property tax revenue brought on by… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Little Known Facts About CSS 8 May 2017, 3:05 pm

a person in a blue shirt sits in front of an imac computer that has code on the screen
A cascading style sheet (CSS) is a style language used to develop the front end design of a website. Most cascading style sheets are to set up the visual style of user interfaces written in XHTML and HTML. But, the language can apply to any XML document.
Most websites use CSS together with JavaScript as a foundation technology for creating visually engaging web pages. The cascading style sheets allow you to separate a document that is written in a markup language from the one in… Keep Reading on 95Visual

What is a Splash Page and Should I Have One? 27 Apr 2017, 3:04 pm

a person in lue skinny jeans and black worn vans shoes jumps over a puddle
​You’ve probably run into more than your share of splash pages as you wander around the internet. You click on a link to a website and a page pops up that may have a short film, slide show or other animation. It contains the site name in bold, impossible to miss font. There may also be a chance to choose how you want to view the website and information on the specs necessary to get the most out of the site. This is a splash page. At one time, these pages were very successful, but they are… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Importance of Your Website Going Mobile 21 Apr 2017, 2:04 pm

a black phone on a desk with a laptop next to it facing away from the viewer
​Your website aids in establishing a presence on the internet. It should provide information, services, and make sales but ultimately bring growth to your organization. Within the still developing internet world, it is becoming more and more apparent the importance of integrating business online, especially on mobile. According to BIA/Kelsey and ConStat, VA - “Nearly All Consumers (97%) Now Use Online Media to Shop Locally.” This is increasingly helpful when having a mobile site, potentially… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Conceptualizing Your Company Brand 15 Mar 2017, 2:03 pm

a chess board with wooden chess pieces on top of a table
​Company branding is critical for any competitive business, large or small. This branding includes what customers should expect from you. It consists of what the company is, what it wants to be in future and the kind of image that the public has over it. If you desire to be on top of the market in your field, brand your company. Most small businesses neglect this, but you can start pushing yourself a notch higher now.
Successful brands provide consistency in quality services. This unity… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How to Determine Your Ideal Customer 3 Mar 2017, 1:03 pm

an art piece of the main character from v for vendetta in the middle of a fleet of storm troopers from star wars
​Who is your dream customer? Many people starting out with a small business will answer they want everyone to buy what he or she offers. Yes, you want to have as many people as possible show interest in what you have to offer, but don't get too broad. To get your business on the path to success, spend your marketing efforts attracting the people most likely to buy from you. These are members that fit the image of your dream customer. Today, we are going to help you define that dream customer… Keep Reading on 95Visual

SVG, PDF, JPG, PNG; What's the Difference? 28 Feb 2017, 2:02 pm

overhead image of a white keyboard, white mouse, white wired headphones, and a pair of black sunglasses
​There’s a lot to consider when designing a website. To make a good impression with a professional-looking website, you need more than just a good color scheme, eye-pleasing fonts, and relevant content. Graphics play an important part of making your site interesting. However, you need to make sure that you use the right graphic format for the best results.
With all the different formats available for graphics, we would like to explain the difference between some of the most commonly used… Keep Reading on 95Visual

Receiving Constructive Criticism 11 Feb 2017, 2:02 pm

two people are writing on paper with a pencil. two laptops are in front of them.
​Receiving criticism from others is usually uncomfortable at the very least. And when you’re in a design-related field where you have put your heart and soul into a project, it can feel like a punch in the gut when someone tells you it’s not what they’re looking for. However, being open to criticism, and asking for feedback proves to be beneficial time and time again and is a crucial step to improving your designs.
If you work in at a design firm, this feedback may come from a coworker … Keep Reading on 95Visual

9 Marketing Tactics to Get More Traffic 22 Jan 2017, 9:01 am

person pointing at paper
​Small businesses work hard to stay competitive online, where the entire world is a potential customer base. Even if your target audience is within a defined area, online presence is necessary to be found. You also know that having a website doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have people visiting. How, then, can you increase your chances of future customers finding you among the sea of small businesses? Read on to find out.
1. Use SEO –
We can’t stress enough the importance of both… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How Company Branding Enables Your Business to Grow 20 Jan 2017, 1:01 pm

someone eating mcdonald's fries
​Have you set measurable branding goals for your company? To produce growth your efforts need to yield measurable results. A company can use branding to achieve growth. For example, what do you think of when someone says “Golden Arches” or “Green Giant?”
Many techniques have been used by these companies to ensure their brand empowered their growth.
There are many ways you can use company branding to help your business surge forward. Larger and more competitive… Keep Reading on 95Visual

How Social Media Can Benefit or Hinder Your Success 19 Jan 2017, 8:01 am

a dark photo of two hands holding a phone
Today's businesses can't grow to their greatest potential without a social media presence. That is a fact everyone knows. What we found is that not everyone understands that each social media interaction is not equal. You need to know what will help and hinder your growth as a business. To help clear up that confusion, we offer you the following insight.
Social Media Pros
1.  Humanizing -
Having a solid presence can contribute to humanize your company. Trust is essential for successful… Keep Reading on 95Visual

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